Around this time last year, I started a new flower garden on the side of my garage.
We had just finished siding our garage and I had a vision for a garden that went along the side of it, based on a photo that I saw on Pinterest. I stocked up on retaining blocks and last Fourth of July we laid the border of the garden. I then set out to plant as many perennials as possible.
A lot has changed in the garden within the past year as I have been slowly and very selectively filling it up with all kinds of flowers. Most of the plants that I've planted in this garden were ones that I got on clearance! You gotta be thrifty when planting a garden - your budget can get out of control fast! Especially when you walk into a garden center and get hypnotized by all the pretty flowers! I seriously have to talk myself out of a lot of plants, otherwise I'd be completely broke! I've said it before and I'll say it again...I could seriously spend all my money on flowers alone!
I love cottage gardens with their seemingly random assortment of colorful flowers and that was the look I was going for in this new garden. The more variety, the better and so far it's worked very well. Especially with me getting so many random clearance plants.
At this stage of the garden, I am focusing mostly on perennials since they come back every year. You get more bang for your buck that way! But, I've also added in a few annuals here and there. I've come to find out that annuals are a great way to add continuous color to your garden, since perennials only bloom for a short period of time. Mix in annuals between your perennials and you can't go wrong!
Next year, I think most of my focus will be on annuals in this flower garden since most of it is already filled with perennials! Petunias are a favorite and I've just discovered Moss Roses, which also like to spread out and are just too cute for words.
And here it is today! I cannot believe how much the Purple Coneflowers and Black-eyed Susan's have grown in just one year! |
Annuals and perennials, oh my! This garden is only half done. I've only got it half mulched since I was waiting to see if I was going to add anymore flowers this year. |
I've actually edited this garden already by getting rid of my gigantic Forsythia bush that was on the far right end. It started out as a tiny little bush that I got on clearance for $4 at Walmart, but this Spring it exploded and got out of control quickly. I moved it to the back of the garage. |
Purple Coneflower and Black-Eyed Susans...the perfect mid-to late Summer flower combo! |
New to the garden this year, these pink Veronicas. So unique, so cottage garden, and such a pretty color! They come in purple too, which I just may have to get next year! |
I just discovered these Hardy Gladiolus that you don't need to lift! Only six out of the fifteen that I planted have come up so I will definitely be getting more of these bulbs next Spring. |
My husband knows me so well! This trellis was my anniversary present this year! Complete with a pretty purple baby clematis! I can't wait until it blooms! |
Asiatic Lillies are so tropical looking! |
They are in my "tropical" area of my garden along with my bright purple Rhododendron and Hardy Hibiscus! |
My first time growing Ranunculus. This deep red one is gorgeous! |
The surprise of the year! I planted a few clumps of these hot pink Dianthus as annuals last year and they came back in a major way this Spring! They may just be my favorite thing in this garden. |
These awesome purple petunias will become a yearly staple in my yard from now on! |
This is my newest Hardy Hibiscus, also called a Dinner Plate Hibiscus (for obvious reasons!) |
"Don't you think daisies are the friendliest flower?" - Kathleen Kelly, You've Got Mail |
My little patriotic corner of red, white, and kinda blue flowers! |
I plant this type of Phlox every year. They always die and never come back. Hopefully, third times a charm! |
My latest addition, Bee Balm! It's great for Hummingbirds and bees alike. I also got a bright purple one! |
Every great cottage garden needs a little garden art! |
My home is my happy place, but my garden makes me the happiest!
I'm already itching to start another garden!
If you're just starting a new garden, here's my top ten tips for a great flower garden!