Saturday, April 28, 2018

Spring Window Box

The weather has finally gotten to the point where I can work outside and even plant a few flowers! Flowers are my most favorite things in the world and I could not wait to get planting after this long winter!

Here in northern Indiana, the rule of thumb for planting flowers (or even a garden) is nothing goes in until Mother's Day weekend. It's just not safe to plant prior to the middle of May around here. If it frosts, your flowers will die. Some flowers, such as Pansies and Violas, are fairly cold hardy and are safe to plant sooner. 

I once read that Pansies are hardy to about twenty-six degrees and then they stop flowering. There have been a few close calls, with a couple more to come. But, so far, they are looking good and growing already! Pansies come in several different colors and I chose an awesome mix this year for my window box garden!

I also went the extra mile this year and got some Miracle Grow Potting Soil. I want to see if it really makes a difference. It promises blooms twice as big, so we shall see. I'm always looking for ways to improve my gardening game!

The orange Pansies were a must and that's what I built the rest of the colors around.

I love bright, bold colors, but I felt it needed to be a little grounded so I added just one maroon Pansy and put it right in the middle. I simply alternated the rest of the colors on either side. I didn't pack the window box completely full because I wanted to give the flowers room to grow and breathe!

This Pansy mix is so pretty, I may just leave it up all Summer! It would even look very nice all the way into Fall, but let's not get ahead of ourselves!

Don't forget, you can follow me on Instagram @ sweethome.indiana!

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