Thursday, May 31, 2018

A Walk Among the Peonies

My peony bushes just keep getting better and better every Summer! It always surprises me how many more blooms I get from year to year. Although peonies are actually considered a late Spring flower, they signify the beginning of Summer to me.

Peonies are among my most favorite of flowers and I wish the blooms would last more than a week! I always try to keep them well watered at the base so they don't dry out and drop their petals quickly and I think that usually helps prolong them a little longer. Of course, this year we had a major heat wave the week my peonies decided to pop out, so that didn't help. And on top of that, we then had some pretty severe storms that knocked all the flowers off. So sad! 

I was able to salvage a few peonies before the rain hit and this is the first time that I've actually had enough blooms to be able to make a bouquet! I always hate cutting them because they look so pretty on the bush, but I barely missed them outside, I had so many!

Currently, my peony bushes number six, with four blooming and two still growing. It usually takes about three years for anything planted from a root to bloom, so I am hoping next year is the year for my mystery peony that I rescued from a jobsite with only a screwdriver. I cannot wait to see what color it's going to be! It'll probably be another two years or so yet for my Coral Sunset Peony that I planted from root last summer. I am very excited for that one as well.

My yellow Bartzella is really my most prized peony. It's so unique and rare and I love the orange in the center. The blooms are huge and it just screams tropical. And I am all about anything tropical!

This is my very first bloom on my Sarah Bernhardt Peony! I'm usually more into brighter colors in my garden, but I am loving the delicate, light pink color. 

This is my first peony that I planted in my yard and one of my faves. It shows up a lot lighter in photos, but it's really a dark magenta color. I'm actually beginning to suspect it's a Karl Rosenfield Peony!

This lovely mysterious peony started as a root and it was supposed to be a red Karl Rosendfield. It most definitely is not, but I really like it. I'm still on the hunt for a red peony though!

I just love how peonies start from these closed up, tight little buds. 

The peonies really make my back deck area pop and after they are done blooming, the greenery looks good until Fall. I am thinking about putting some peonies in my front landscaping, but it's so shady that I'm afraid they will not do well. But, I think I'm willing to give it a try at least!

This might be my favorite pic ever!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @ sweethome.indiana for pretty much daily updates, tips, and of course, more pics of my flowers!

Happy Summer!

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