Wednesday, December 13, 2017

My Christmas Wreaths

I cannot believe that Christmas is just around the corner already! 

And I have totally been slacking on the blog! I usually post pretty much daily on my Instagram though, so if you are missing me you can check it out. It's sweethome.indiana!

Today, I am going to post all the Christmas Wreaths that I made! I actually sold most of them at my craft shows, so I am very happy about that! The few that I have left are hanging up on various doors at my house. I have one on my front door, one on the inside of my front door, and one on the inside of my backdoor! If I had a fireplace, I'd definitely have one hanging above it too!

In my home, wreaths are a necessity on my front door! It's a great and easy way to spruce up your entry way and welcome guests to your home!

I like to make unique wreaths, ones that you wouldn't normally see. Wreaths that stand out, and that people will cherish as part of their seasonal decor every year! I love all my wreaths and selling them is bittersweet because I would love to keep them all for myself! But, at the same time it makes me happy that someone else wants them as well!

You can check out my facebook page and if you are in the neighborhood you can purchase one of my wreaths or keep up with my shows! I am hoping to do a couple of craft shows in the Spring with some happy Spring and Summer wreaths!

Here are all my Christmas Wreaths, in all their glory:

Poinsettia's are probably my favorite flower! I loved this wreath and since someone already purchased it, I will have to make another one for myself!

This wreath screams vintage to me! I love everything vintage so this was one of my faves!


Inspired by a Martha Stewart wreath, this Jingle Bell Wreath surprisingly took me several tries to get right! I had to find the right gauge of wire (I ended up using a hanger!) and of course, the perfect bow!

This is my husband's favorite wreath! We kept it and he added lights to it. It's hanging on our front door!

My brother and sister-in-law bought this wreath from me! It's classic with it's Christmasy red and green color scheme, but also modern with the green berries!

This deco mesh Poinsettia Wreath is ginormous! It does not fit on a front door with a storm door on it! I love it though! It would be perfect above a fireplace! It's currently hanging on the inside of my front door and it looks awesome!

I seriously just discovered buffalo check plaid and I love it!!! Pair it with burlap and holly and you have the perfect farmhouse Christmas wreath!

A glamorous poinsettia wreath!

Classic hydrangea. I made a very, very large one of these for above my sister-in-law's parent's fireplace. I can take orders!

I told you I loved poinsettias!

This was one of my most popular wreaths! I had to make several of them!

Everyone have a Merry Christmas!

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