Saturday, February 18, 2017

Spring in my step!

I've definitely got a little spring in my step today!

As I sit here writing this, I've got my patio door open, a warm breeze is blowing, and the sun is almost streaming in! You can't ask for a better day in Northeastern Indiana in the middle of February. This year (and pretty much last year too) has been exceptionally mild, especially after having the worst winters I can remember the prior few years. It's a welcome change! Normally, we are bracing for a state of emergency type snow storm the week of Valentine's - not this! This whole next week is supposed to be in the sixties!

I went to Meijers and Menards today and saw another welcome sight! Seeds and spring-planting bulbs are out in full force! Could this day get any better?

Seeing all the flowers and veggies has got my mind churning with ideas for my gardens this year! I had to get out and do a walk through of my yard to see what was already sprouting and where I can fit in more plants!

Of course, that led to me working in the yard most of the day - which I love to do! It was one of those great days that come along every so often where you even hate to go inside at the end of the day.  

And it's February! 

So many different varieties! I want them all!

These all look super cute. I've never seen them before. I'll have to do some research!

Phlox! I didn't know they came like this. I planted mine from seed and they've done really well over the years. Although I wanted to branch out and get some other colors (mine are mostly purple already) I might have to try these.

Meanwhile, in the garden...

Some hyacinths that I moved this fall. I'm glad to see they made it. I have only a few hyacinths and I'm not sure what color these are. I think either pink or white, they were given to me as Easter gifts. I'm going to make it a point to get some more.

A bunch of daffodils popping up! I think these are the first ones I planted in my creekside garden before there even really was a creekside garden!

Here come the tulips! These are dark purple, white, and pink (although they looked awfully reddish last year) that are planted at the end of my front porch.

Even my bright orange lillies are pushing through. I don't remember these popping out this early before, but I guess they're usually covered in snow at this time of the year!

Hard to see, but my Jane magnolia is getting buds on it.

These are some of the Irises I planted last fall. Not sure if this is normal or not, I've never had Irises before. They're burnt at the top though. Hopefully, they come through and bloom this year! 

My daffodils out front look really far along! Like they could almost bloom soon! It's this crazy Indiana weather messing them up! I hope they do okay because I'm sure it's going to get cold again.

Even the lilacs are budding!

The sun setting on a perfect day!

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