Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Birds of a feather...

I love birds of any kind and I love to feed them and watch them play. Just like any other animal, birds have their own personalities and are just fascinating to sit and watch. My grandpa has birds that actually come and knock (with their beaks) on his patio door when they want fed! They are amazing creatures!

The other day, before all the snow melted away, I looked out my kitchen window and saw several different kinds of birds having their dinner at my feeders. There were four cardinals, several juncos and sparrows, a woodpecker, and two giant blue jays. All in one day!

I had never seen so many different species of birds in my yard just chillin together so I grabbed my camera and ran back to the window to snap some pics, which scared some off of course, but most of them came right back and I was able to get a few good pictures of them.

The woodpecker likes to hang every which way and eat the suet cakes while the juncos seem to prefer to eat what falls to the ground-or what we throw on the ground.
Here's a rather grainy close up of one of the cardinals - the state bird of Indiana! The males are the bright red, pretty ones. The females are more of a reddish brown color.
Here's a male cardinal sitting in my bird feeder. I love this thing! It looks like those cute vintage chairs I want for myself! I couldn't afford the original so my husband bought me one for my birds.
These Blue Jays were so huge compared to the other birds I normally see at the feeders. They were the first Blue Jays I had seen in years so I was pretty excited to see them.
Looking rather regal sitting in the tree!

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