Saturday, December 3, 2016

"Cookie Fest" 2016

Last night was the annual "Cookie Fest" at my aunt's house. We made 600 sugar cookies between four of us girls! It took about 8 hours just to bake them all. They have yet to even be frosted.

A Cookie Fest is a great way to get together for the Holidays that doesn't involve making a big meal or really a lot of "entertaining." All you need is just some cookie dough and a couple bottles of wine! It's hard work making that many cookies, but it's fun work (and yummy work!). We came up with a little assembly line of sorts with two people rolling the dough and cutting the cookies out and two people doing the actual baking.

I am the first to admit, my aunt takes this to the extreme! There is really no need to make 600 cookies in one night for most people. If I was doing it myself, I would definitely cut down on the amount and save time for decorating! In fact, you can buy cookies that are already pre-baked and just do a decorating party! That's where the real fun happens anyways!

I took home about 100 cookies for myself (I'm going to freeze them and eat them "as needed" - not all at once!) and tonight my husband and I will frost them with the most delicious cream cheese frosting and decorate until our hearts content. Or he gets sick of it, most likely.

The final count! This was already minus about 120 cookies someone snagged early on in the night!

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