Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Leprechaun Wreath for St. Patrick's Day!

 It's officially "Wreath Wednesday" here at Sweet Home Indiana! It's also March already, which means out comes the St. Patrick's Day decor! I am seriously lacking on decorations for this holiday, so the second I saw a version of this super cute Leprechaun Wreath on Etsy, I knew I had to make one myself!

If you are a regular reader of this blog you've probably noticed that I am huge into holiday decor, and wreaths especially! That's why I decided to institute "Wreath Wednesday!" I won't be posting wreaths every Wednesday, but from here on out whenever I post a wreath, it will be on a Wednesday.

I feel like my doors (both inside and out) are naked without anything hanging on them! Wreaths just give a pop of color to your house. And at this usually dreary time of year, that is almost always desperately needed!

I'm a big 'why buy it when you can make it yourself' kind of gal and this wreath looked like something I could easily do. And so can you!

Here's what I used:

A foam wreath
Two spools of bright orange tulle
Green foamboard
Brown foamboard
Yellow Felt 

 I recycled some of the felt and brown foamboard I had used on my Turkey Wreath at Thanksgiving for his hat details. I never throw anything away! Scraps can usually be used again elsewhere and that's how I save money!

First, I cut the tulle into 18 inch strips. I only measured and cut one and used it as a template for the others. I cut several at a time before I tied them onto the wreath.

Next, fold the strips in half.

And fold it in half again!

Then tie it on to the wreath, double-knotting it, and making both sides of the tulle as even as possible.

Continue with the 18 inch strips until you fill up about a quarter of the wreath.

At this point, I got out the green foamboard and drew out a rough sketch of a hat, tilting it slightly.

Then I cut it out...a little bigger than needed in case I needed to do some trimming!

At this point, I decided to make his beard more of a beard shape and cut out some longer strips for the middle of the beard. I did a few 19 inch long strips and a few more 20 inch strips for the middle.

I cut some 12, 14, and 16 inch strips for his "sideburns" and tied them on with the 12 inch strips closest to his hat. Remember if you are tilting his hat to make his beard a little lopsided too!

Looks like a little leprechaun!
My recycled brown foam and yellow felt for his hat. If I didn't have this, I would have used black and yellow pieces of foamboard.

I cut out a strip of the brown foam and hot glue gunned it to the hat.

Next, I cut out a square of felt for his buckle.

Then I cut out another little square in the middle and glued it on the brown foam. I then glued the whole hat to the top of the wreath, tilting it just a bit.

I also glued a pop can tab onto the back of the wreath as a hanger!

All finished!

It's a very large wreath, but that way it's noticeable from afar!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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