Tuesday, May 9, 2017

My Spring Backyard!

Although it's beginning to fade now, this was my backyard in all it's full Spring glory a couple weeks ago!

I love Spring, but it never seems to last very long! It's such an odd season here in northern Indiana. Some days can be warm and downright balmy and the next day it snows and freezes all your flowers. 

I just try to enjoy Spring as much as possible while it's around! Every time I look out my window and see my creekside garden and all it's beautiful colors, it just makes me so happy! 

My yard is truly my happy place!

This is my beloved creekside garden! Right now, this end of the garden is a bit of everything Spring from the muscari border to the mixed daffodils to hyacinths. There's even a mum starting to sprout in there somewhere! My plan is to keep it a bit of everything and add some tulips and more mums to it this fall. For Summer, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it yet!

It took me two years to plant this muscari border! I am so glad it's finally done and looking good! Muscari are some of my favorite flowers and I love them as a border. They multiply so quickly that a lot of people don't use them for borders, but I do! The more the merrier, I say!

I love these double yellow daffodils that I planted last fall. These were from a mixed bag of daffodils so I wasn't sure what I was going to get. I am a little disappointed with how they all turned out. There were only about two different kinds in the bag ~ these, and some that had about four teeny tiny flowers on each stem. They were pretty, don't get me wrong, but not quite what the picture promised.

This fall, my goal is to plant tons of plain yellow daffodils at this end a la Martha Stewart! I want it to look like the field of daffodils I visited in Ireland!

My favorite tree in my yard! I think it's a redbud. I am hoping to find another cheap one to plant at the other end of my garden.

Here's my mama bird poking her head out of her house! I've yet to have any bluebirds nest in this bluebird house, just sparrows. But, I love all birds and I am not going to be kicking any out just because they aren't blue. I'm happy that someone is making a home there!

I love all these tiny purple flowers that appear all over my lawn every year!

Meanwhile, on the other side of the yard, my lilacs are finally blooming! About 4-5 years ago, my husband brought home three little sticks that he got from a client of his. They were three different colors of lilacs. They have grown like crazy, but this was the first year we've gotten any blooms and I am so happy! I love lilacs!

Here are the white ones just getting ready to bloom. As of right now, my purple ones have faded away, but these white ones are still going strong! I love their smell!

Here's one of the yellow finches that like to hang out in my yard! They are so pretty!

Happy Spring!

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