Saturday, May 27, 2017

The Peonies Are Blooming!

Peonies are some of my favorite flowers!

When I was younger, we had eight giant peony bushes in my yard. The first plant I ever got for my yard when I got married was a beautiful magenta peony.

Originally, my goal for my current yard was to recreate the peony garden of my youth. We had magenta, light pink, white, and a medium pink. I loved them so much that I wanted that exact set up. I actually had no idea there were so many different colors and kinds of peonies until I started looking around the home and garden stores.

My peony garden goals have changed a bit since I went out into the world and discovered that there are so many colors of peonies. I still want those same four original peonies, but I've found a lot more to add to the mix!

Currently, I have five different peony bushes going strong and one root that I just planted a few weeks ago. Peonies planted from root take about three years to mature and bloom. The last peony root that I bought did not turn out as planned and I am still a little bitter about it! 

The picture on the package was of a beautiful red Karl Rosenfield Peony. I waited three years for that peony to bloom. When it finally did last year, it was a hot pink Bowl of Beauty Peony (I think!) I really wanted a red peony! Talk about a let down! Understandably, I am a little leery of buying plants from root now! It is still a beautiful flower, so I am slowly learning to love it. I just wish it was red. 

I did decide to take another chance on a peony root this year when I saw a brand new coral colored peony at Lowe's. I really, really hope that it turns out to be what the photo advertised! It was so beautiful, I couldn't help it!

 In addition to my magenta and "Bowl of Beauty," I have an awesome yellow peony blooming right now called a Bartzella. I can't help but wonder if it was named after Bart Simpson!

Last year, I rescued a peony from one of our job sites. It was growing right where the house was going to be set and the construction guys would have just killed it. So of course, I had to rescue it and take it home with me! We didn't have a shovel and all I could find was a screwdriver to dig it out of the ground with. I was worried that I didn't get enough of the root, but I must have because it is in it's second year now and growing taller and stronger everyday! I think it will bloom next year and I can't wait to see what color and kind it will be!

I've run out of room for any more peonies in my two little backyard garden areas and I am already planning a new garden so that I can plant even more! For now though, I am enjoying the ones that I have!

This was the first peony that I planted. My husband actually bought it for me because he knew I had been obsessing over this particular color. It's grown a lot over the past few years and gets more and more blooms every year!

It is so gorgeous! This color is my favorite. It's one of the ones I had in my yard growing up.

Here's a bud getting ready to pop! It's so amazing to me that such a giant flower starts out like this!

I would really love to cut these off and put them in a vase in my house, but I have a hard time doing so. They just look so pretty outside, I don't even want to take one bloom away! I'm sure I wouldn't even miss it, because there really are a lot this year. This peony is about six or seven years old now.

The possible Bowl of Beauty Peony. I'm just going to call it that unless I find out otherwise!

Closed up tight! Look at all the ants trying to drink the sap off it. There's some debate on whether or not the ants aid in the opening of the peonies or they are just there for the sweetness.

Although not what I expected, I really do love the color of this peony when it first opens. The color fades to a lighter pink fairly quickly after opening. In fact, peonies are very short lived. I try to water them as much as possible (from the bottom, not the top!) in order to prolong the bloom period.

View from the top!

This is the fourth year for this peony and I am growing to love it more!

Here's a little toad that was sunning itself in the peony garden. I was weeding it and almost didn't see him, he blends in so well!

The view from the deck! I wish this would stay like this all summer!

In between my magenta peony and the possible Bowl Of Beauty lies my rescued peony! It has done exceptionally well considering I cut it out of the ground with a screwdriver and hoped for the best! This is it's second year of being in my yard, so I am hoping it will bloom next year. I'm also hoping that it will be either a medium pink or white peony.

This is my pride and joy ~ a yellow Bartzella Peony. I got it on clearance at Meijers two years ago and it has bloomed every year since!

It's not everyday you see a yellow peony! I love the orange in the middle of it. It looks so tropical! The leaves are different from most other peonies too.

Last year, there was only one bloom on this plant and it only lasted one day! I have five blooms this year and they are lasting a bit longer, I think because of the rain.

My newest peony garden! It started with me just plopping down the yellow one two years ago and then last year I made it into an actual garden by adding a brick border. I also added another peony last year next to the Bartzella. It is a light pink Sarah Bernhardt peony. It's only in it's second year, so it should bloom next year! On the very right end I just planted my newest peony from a root.

 I really hope it comes up! It's been two weeks and so far nothing. It's making me very nervous! After the last peony root fiasco, I swore off buying them from roots ever again, but then I saw this gorgeous Coral Sunset Peony at Lowe's and I just had to try it! It's a brand new kind! I guess I'll see in three years if it's the right color this time!

The Bartzella and the little Sarah Bernhardt!

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