Friday, January 6, 2017

Cutting the fat...

With everyone making New Year's Resolutions, many of which involve losing weight, I thought I'd share my tale with you all today. Although, I don't consider this as much a resolution as a "lifestyle change" or "getting healthy."

 So yes, as I mentioned before, it's official. I joined Weight Watchers. I know you're probably thinking, "she hasn't even posted any yummy delicious food on this blog yet and now it's going to be all about diet food!" Not at all. Part of the allure and success of Weight Watchers is that you can eat anything you want! (Yes, I have been drinking the kool-aid.) 

So, I will still be cooking yummy delicious food - just eating less of it. And no, this is not going to turn into a "Weight Watchers Blog," it's just a part of my life that I will sometimes write about, just like anything else!

I joined Weight Watchers for several reasons. First off, because I didn't feel healthy. If I would climb a flight of stairs, I could barely breathe by the time I got to the top. And, my clothes just kept on getting tighter. Even my most recent "larger" clothes were borderline at this point! 

Also, I was sick of people asking me when my baby was due. Hello! Not pregnant, idiots! Didn't your mother teach you any manners?!? 

The point is, is that I just didn't feel like the best version of myself. I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. And if I'm being totally honest, the main reason I joined was because I wanted to be a partner in crime for my husband, who was practically doctor ordered to go on it.

I am in no way an expert on losing weight and it is not my place to tell you what to do or have you follow my regimen. This is what is working for me. My goal here is to share some tips and tricks that have helped me on my journey and possibly to inspire others and show everyone that it is possible to lose weight and get healthy!

The number one thing that has really stuck with me is something our leader keeps reiterating to us and that is to eat for real life or it will never last. She has encouraged us to eat chicken wings, or birthday cake, or whatever it is that you love. But, she stresses, you cannot eat these things every day or even every week. Maybe, once a month you can splurge and have that treat. Why give up cake on your birthday? This is your life, and you only get so many birthdays. Celebrate! Just don't go crazy and eat the whole cake.

The first two days were the hardest so far. I was starving and I was eating all my extra weekly points right up. (WW operates on a simple point system called "Smart Points" that are based on height, weight, age, and gender.) After the first two or three days though, it did get easier.  I've heard it takes two weeks to make something a habit and I'd have to agree.

This is a glimpse at how the first week went...

Day 1:
I am excited! Let's do this!
A few minutes later...
Holy crap I used up half my daily points on my traditional Sunday breakfast of bacon and eggs! I was suddenly jealous of my dog as I watched her eat her bacon grease drizzled dog food with abandon. Note to self, count points before eating the meal! How am I going to be able to eat dessert tonight?

Day 1, later in the day:
I have nothing to drink! I always drink tons of orange juice and lemonade but they are both very high in points! But it's fruit! It's good for you! Not so much, apparently. I made some ice tea with a very minute amount of sugar to get me by. I really don't like water that much. Sigh.

Day 1, dessert:
Pumpkin bread. I wasn't going to let that last piece go to waste! I just used some of my weekly points and I am good to go!

Day 2, work, 10:30am:
I am starving! I already ate my "second breakfast," but it was just a banana today. I still have one and a half hours till lunch! Good thing I brought that rice cake! And I am drinking tons of water! I look at my ill-fitting shirt and then a picture of Kate Middleton and think "I have to do this!"

Day 5:
I have resorted to eating dog food. And it was actually good! (It's my dog's birthday. I made her a pupcake, it wasn't actually real dog food.)

I did great the rest of the week! Yes, it was a transition and took some getting used to, but I did it and I feel great! Honestly, it really wasn't that bad! I started eating my fruit instead of drinking it and eating sugar-free pudding with fat free Reddi Wip for dessert. And guess what! In just five days, I lost 1.6 pounds! My husband lost 4.8! 

~ ~ ~

We are now about three months into our Weight Watchers Journey and I have lost almost 15 lbs and 10% of my body weight! I feel so much better! My husband has lost almost 20 lbs! Not too shabby since we are not even working out, only watching what we eat! I didn't even gain any weight over the Holidays, despite the fact that I did go a little off course and went crazy on my cookies. Who wouldn't?

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